DIY Fabric Face Mask Ear Saver for those who love sew ear savers instead of knitted ear saver or crochet ear savers to matching with your fabric Face mask in everyday life, a quick fabric scrape project to stitch out in minutes, but super helpful for those who need to wear mask so long time! If you have face masks with ear loop, you may have sore ears, especially for those health care workers working on the front lines against corona virus! These little something are super quick Cotton stash buster project to protect ears from the elastic on surgical masks. Also they help the masks fit tighter on smaller heads.
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Click the link below for the FREE sewing pattern + Video:
Ear Saver 3 Different Ways by Kimberly of Sweet Red Poppy

Click the link below for the FREE sewing pattern + Video:
Easy DIY Ear Savers by Jennifer + Ear Savers by Petro