Repurposed your old /unwanted jeans into this chic Pleated Jean Skirt for this Spring. Jeans has been such a trendy fashion for men and women for decades, and it’s far more than the original function but chic addition for ladies now. An old pair of jeans is either distressed to perfection and fits like a glove, or simply last season’s news. When you come across the latter, resist the urge to add to your cut off collection and instead, transform this durable and versatile fabric into something totally wow-worthy. We can repair the holes with cute ideas as we collected before or turn those worn or old pair of jeans into stylish new summer wear.
You may love: Tutorials to Refashion Your Old Jeans
Click the link below for the video tutorial(4-5Y):
Reuse old Jeans into beautiful skirt by Radhika
Click the link below for the free tutorial:
Old Jeans to Jean Skirt Refashion by Colleen