Make your Sashiko Stitched Jeans Patches more fun by shaping it into unique patterns with personality. Jeans has been such a trendy fashion for men and women for decades, and it’s far more than the original function but chic addition for ladies now. An old pair of jeans is either distressed to perfection and fits like a glove, or simply last season’s news. We can refashion your jeans into new trendy pieces as we collected before or turn those worn or old pair of jeans into stylish new summer wear. Stephanie from Swoodson Says shows a fun way to patch a hole in your jeans. Instead of a plain square patch, or a patch designed to blend in with the jeans, she created these bug shaped patches from a darker shade of denim and then used sashiko style stitching to secure them.
You will love more: 20 Fun DIY Jean Hole Patches in Cutest Ways

Click the link below for the DIY tutorial: